Both sexes can be affected through this sexually transmitted virus called HPV. It can be life-threatening, especially to women because if it is untreated it will create the perfect environment for developing of cervical cancer. That is why in this article you will read about the symptoms and a possible treatment. Everyone should be careful because this virus can be really dangerous.
There are more than 100 different types of this virus and there are certain types that cause the common warts on the hands and feet but they are harmless and they do not give any kind of symptoms and eventually they will go on their own. But around 40 types of the virus are focusing the genital area and approximately 80% of both sexes will experience at least one type of those types at some point in life. What is really important for everyone to understand is that these types of HPV virus (Genital HPV types), is a high risk for cervical pre-cancer and cancer.
You can get the virus with a direct skin to skin contact with a person that has it, which means that if you have any kind of sexual activity with the person that has it, you will end up with having the virus as well. The worst part is that many people do not know that they have the virus because there are no early symptoms in most of the cases, and they end up with spreading the virus without even knowing that and that one person can have more than one type of this virus.
Women that are over the 30 should regularly visit the gynecologist because their immune system is not strong enough to fight the virus on its own. Even the ones that are not sexually active should regularly visit gynecologist because a cervical cancer can develop in the next 10 – 20 years after being infected from the virus.
According to National Library of Medicine of the United States (US National Library of Medicine) the cervical cancer is 100% preventable if it is discovered in early stage.
Male and the female condoms do not provide 100% protection from this virus.
That is why everyone should be really careful and to have regular checks from a medical person.