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5 Chilling Stories Of Haunted Native American Lands

From “Pet Semetary” to “Poltergist,” many of the best horror movies include disturbed Native American burial grounds. But is there any truth behind the popular trope?

As it turns out, Native American burial grounds are among some of the most haunted locations in America. For over a century, reports have poured in about eerie sightings, strange noises, and unexplained acts of vandalism. Here we’ve collected stories from five of the most haunted Native American lands from coast to coast.

1. Cathapoodle – Ridgefield, West Virginia

Cathapoodle - Ridgefield, West Virginia

Getty Images

Before Ridgefield, West Virginia, was developed by white men, it was a Native American village known as “Cathapoodle.” In fact, of all the Native villages Lewis and Clark visited on their trip West, Cathapoodle was the largest. Throughout the construction of the modern-day town, there were many unexplained equipment failures and random acts of vandalism. Today, psychics claim to have seen “unhappy” Native American spirits in the area, leading some to think that Ridgefield sits atop a burial ground.

Read More: This Historic Photo Looks Normal Until You Spot The Thing That Just Doesn’t Belong

2. Pocahontas Parkway – Richmond, Virginia

Today, the Pocahontas Parkway is a major highway that runs through Virginia’s state capital, but it was once home to Native American people. Over the years, police have responded to numerous paranormal reports, including sightings of “mist figures,” Native Americans holding torches, and banging drums. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge, in particular, is a hotbed of activity. According to historians, it too was once a burial ground.


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