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When He Went Into The Living Room One Night, He Saw Every Parent's Worst Nightmare

We’ve all heard things go bump in the night, but if you’re like me, you roll over in bed and forget about them.

When the mother of a two-year-old heard her daughter whimpering in the early hours of the morning, she discovered that the door to the girl’s room had been shut. Knowing that neither herself or her husband had shut the door, the panicked woman woke him to survey the situation. As he walked into the living room, he discovered that not only was there a strange man trying to steal from his apartment, but the burglar was holding his baby.

Infuriated, he began fighting with the burglar while his wife called 9-1-1. Once police arrived, the crook was taken into custody and is facing criminal charges of burglary and aggravated assault.

Local police have stepped up their security presence at the apartment complex following the incident.


During a press conference, a spokesperson from the local police department informed the public that, despite dealing with shock, both parents and the toddler are doing just fine.

Read More: Chinese Family Buys Cadaver To Bury With Son. The Only Downside? She’s Not Dead


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