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Turn Your Used Paint Tubs Into This Awesome Summer Seating Accessory

Finishing one DIY project can be an accomplishment in and of itself. But, when the day is done, odds are there are a few extra materials left lying around the house. Perhaps you just finished giving your living room a much-needed facelift with a fresh coat of paint. Instead of stashing those painting buckets in the basement, reuse them in an adorable new DIY like Instructables user did!

Dezine started with two empty paint containers, fresh from a quick exterior touch-up.

First, she cut off the handles of the buckets with a Dremel saw.

Wanting to paint the buckets a new color, she had to ensure the new hue would adhere to the plastic, so she applied an all-purpose primer.

She used two coats of a Rust-Oleum paint to give the buckets a pop of color.

Next, she traced a template the same circumference as the containers on a medium-density foam.

She found that a serrated knife worked perfectly for cutting the foam.

Try to cut away as much excess foam as possible,

Dezine recommends when cutting out the fabric for the cushion covers, make the circles about 40 millimeters larger than the foam…and don’t forget to cut strips for the sides with the same amount of excess cloth.

Secure the fabric to the foam by applying spray adhesive to both the foam and the underside of the fabric.

Snip the excess fabric edges and fold them over onto the sides of the cushions.

She added some masking tape to ensure the fabric adhered to the foam.

She folded over the excess fabric and sewed on the side pieces to cover up the folds.

Keep in mind that the cushion will sit on top of the container lid. Make sure to give the lids an equally awesome paint job.

And voila, quick and affordable summertime seating!

These stools can add extra flare to any seating living space.

I might have to make a pair of these for my next outdoor barbecue!

The best part might be that you can also use them for storage — win-win!


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