For centuries, sailors told tales of giant squid attacking and crushing ships.
Sure, for a long time, these were simply stories without much basis in reality. In recent decades, though, researchers have discovered the actual existence of giant squid, and let me tell you, they’re pretty terrifying.
That being said, what a recent deep-sea expedition discovered will take your breath away…
It began as a normal expedition using a remote operated vehicle (ROV) to explore the depths. That was until they saw what looked like a trail of stars…
The ROV got closer and what they discovered was amazing: a giant deep-sea squid giving birth.
Needless to say, this was the last thing that researchers expected to come across…
It’s a little on the long side, but the payoff at the end of the video is worth it.
Just when you thought Mother Nature couldn’t get any more amazing, she manages to surprise you. Though, I will say this is also pretty creepy.