Recently, a dad on Reddit stirred up a debate when he asked: “Has anyone ever tattooed their identical twins to tell them apart?”
Before you recoil at the thought of tattooing babies, consider the unique challenges that this father is facing. His one-year-old sons, Adam and Aaron, look exactly alike…except for one major detail — Aaron has serious health issues that require him to take medication every few hours. After one medication mix-up, both boys fell ill and could have died.
As he explains, “We are after a permanent solution. I really hate to say it, but we are here. I could have lost both my sons last weekend and I am desperate.”
He also says that he and his wife have tried other methods to tell the twins apart. “Nail polish, bracelets, anklets, specific color clothes for each boy, shaving ones head and leaving the others long…nothing worked well.”
Some commenters have suggested that the parents tattoo a small dot on the bottom of one of the baby’s feet. The bottom of the foot is not only one of the least painful spots to get a tattoo, but typically wears off after several years. By that time, the boys would be old enough to identify themselves.
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Others, distraught by the idea of inking a baby, say to pierce one of the boy’s ears. However, this would be a permanent and noticeable modification to his body. Many do not think a decision like this should be made by parents.
Personally, I don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t do to save my child’s life. If they’re mad at me later about a tiny tattoo or pierced ear, so be it — at least they lived to cause a fuss.