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These Creepy-Crawlies Are Still Scary, But They're Also Kind Of Beautiful

When we think of cute, cuddly creatures, we usually think of mammals and the occasional tiny lizard if we’re feeling open-minded. But cuteness in the animal kingdom is not just restricted to those with backbones. It’s actually equally distributed between vertebrates and invertebrates.

The reason why we don’t see it is simply because of our prejudices. Just take a look at these invertebrate cuties!

1. Adorable giant moth, anyone?

Adorable giant moth, anyone?

Reddit / Antnommer

2. That’s a mighty fine-looking cicada.

3. This little dude looks friendly!

4. A leaf or the cutest leaf bug ever?

5. It looks like a bunny rabbit, but it’s actually a sea slug.

6. Jumping spiders are famously friendly little critters.

7. Crabs apparently love to eat noodles.


9. It might look like a wasp, but it’s actually just a moth.

10. Here’s a mama centipede keeping her babies safe.

11. Come on. You can’t say this tiny mantis isn’t precious!

12. I know it’s another baby mantis, but this one was just too cute to pass up!

13. Beautiful moth party.

14. Baby slug and daddy slug.

15. Nothing is cuter than a crab eating a cherry.

Thank you for participating in this crash course on invertebrate cuteness. The next time you see a bug, slug, or snail, remember that they can be just as cute as your kitty.


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