If your house is haunted, calling the police is unlikely to help.
Still, it can do you some good to at least have outsiders come into your home and verify that what you’re experiencing isn’t a hallucination. Strangely, that’s the exact situation officers in the Scottish town of South Lanarkshire found themselves in earlier this month.
Officers received a call from a mother and her son complaining of an extremely violent haunting taking place in their home. They tried to put up with it for as long as they could before a series of “violent and unexplained” situations forced them to call the police for help.
Officers were not expecting to find a ghost. They believed that this was a case of someone struggling with mental health issues.
Imagine their surprise when they witnessed lights in the house going on and off, objects flying around each room, and the family Chihuahua sitting on top of the bushes.
In fact, the officers were so taken aback that they called the local Catholic Church to come deal with the situation.
“Officers with more than 20 years’ service are saying they’ve never seen anything like this,” said an anonymous police source. “It really is something that down-to-earth police officers are having trouble getting their heads round. How do you handle what, despite us liking to use the word, has been described as a poltergeist?”
(via Unexplained Mysteries)
Maybe the local police department needs some extra funding to add a Ghostbusters division. I can’t wait until they make a movie out of this.