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If You Get Starbucks Every Day, You'll Want To Hear These 15 Barista Confessions

Generally, if I don’t get coffee in the morning, this is me.


But after my trusty Starbucks iced coffee, this is me.


Okay, not quite, but it’s basically how I feel.

Every morning, I make my way to my local coffee shop and quickly down my first cup of the day. But had I read these crazy barista confessions before doing this routine for the last 10 years…well, let’s just say some things would have been different.

I'm a barista at Starbucks. And my customers make me more homicidal every day. be patient, be nice, smile back, we care about customer service, if you don't go somewhere else.

I'm a Starbucks barista and if you are rude or nasty to me or my team, you're getting decaf ❤️

Confessions of a Starbucks Barista: Frappe Hour brings out the worst in customers. We are doing our best and going the fastest we can, please just have patience.

My friend is a Starbucks barista and she told me they spit in your coffee if you're rude

If you come to Starbucks and start giving the baristas a hard time, don't be surprised when one finally snaps

I'm a barista at Starbucks and I spell people's name wrong on purpose

I'm a Starbucks barista and the people who walk in and order a plain coffee get on my nerves. For one reason, you're at Starbucks ! Order something EXTREME.

I'm a Starbucks barista, wink at your server after you order and you will almost certainly get a perfect drink. ♡

I'm a barista at Starbucks and whenever someone gets a drink I always put in the wrong amount of shots. GRANDE latte = 2 shots

I'm a barista at Starbucks and any time the somebody orders something "skinny" I just think to myself that they shouldn't be coming to Starbucks then

Dear Starbucks customer, I hope you feel better for yelling at me for a mistake that A DIFFERENT barista at a DIFFERENT store made in your drink. But it's obviously my fault be chase I'm a barista.

I'm a barista at Starbucks and I can honestly say that I have come to hate middle aged women. Sorry your 6 second cookie isn't warm. Go ahead, spend the next 30minuts of my life yelling at me for it.

I am a barista at Starbucks and  when skinny girls tell me to make ther drinks to have no fat and no this and no that I add 3 percent milk

Barista Confessions #28 If your coffee order is 4 words long,  trust that we secretly hate you

Today during my shift at Starbucks a mentally different person asked for a S'Mores Frapp but said he couldn't afford our smallest one. Another barista made him one for free. Made his day!!

A few things I learned?

  1. I’ve gotta be really nice to my barista.
  2. I will never order anything “skinny” so as not to be judged.
  3. Nor will I ever order a frappuccino again.

Well, there you have it. Will you continue to get your coffee to-go or are you going to start brewing at home?


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