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He Thought He Was A Goner, So He Recorded His Final Thoughts Shortly Before Rescue

If there’s one thing more terrifying than snakes, spiders, or sharks, it’s the open ocean…and being stranded in it. It’s a situation that no one, absolutely no one, wants to find themselves stuck in. Sadly, it’s the exact scenario that 30-year-old Australian Jacob Childs found himself dealing with earlier this month.

Childs was exploring the Althea Wreck, approximately 30 nautical miles northeast of Bundaberg in Queensland, Australia, when the current forced him away from the rest of his diving group.

As he struggled to get back to his group, to his absolute horror, he saw the boat pulling away.

For the next several hours, Childs floated there, fully expecting to die. He recorded his final thoughts on the GoPro camera he had with him.


Luckily, just as the sun was almost fully set, a rescue plane spotted Childs in the water. Talk about a close call.

(via Stuff)

It really doesn’t get much scarier than that. As if I didn’t already have enough to fear about going into the ocean, right? I’m happy they were able to rescue him though. This could’ve ended so badly.


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