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Farmer Gets A Horrible Shock After Finding His Favorite Duck Freezing To Death

Matt McDougall is a Canadian duck farmer who films the exploits of his group of waterfowl friends for his YouTube channel, 50 Ducks In A Hot Tub. As you might expect, McDougall is very attached to all of his birds. But one duck in particular, Mrs. Gimp, has become both his and his viewers’ favorite due to her friendly personality.

One day, McDougall got a huge shock when he spotted what he feared was a dead duck floating in the bathtub the ducks like to play around in. He ran outside to find that it was Mrs. Gimp. He quickly realized she was suffering from hypothermia so he rushed her inside. There he repeatedly submerged her in tubs of warm water to get her body temperature back to normal…


It’s wonderful to see people really go the extra mile for an animal in need. Bravo to this wonderful man and the dedication he put into reviving his feathery friend.



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