If you’re a bit of germaphobe like myself, you probably purchase a lot of soap.
Although I have a preference for liquid soap, I still keep a traditional bar on hand, just in case. But until recently, I had no idea just how versatile that bar of soap really was (here’s a hint, it’s good for loads more than just washing your hands).
Prepare accordingly, because here are 21 surprisingly handy uses for that boring old bar.
1. Cover hardware, windowsills, etc., with soap suds while painting to avoid possible paint splatter.
2. Rub a wet bar of soap over an area with broken glass to help collect small shards.
3. Make your own bug repellant by pouring sudsy water into a spray bottle.
4. Rubbing soap over a squeaky door hinge will help eliminate the awful sound.
5. Rub a generous amount of dried soap onto the underside of your frying pan before placing it over a campfire to eliminate soot buildup.
6. When you run out of your favorite stain remover, try rubbing a wet bar of soap directly on the stain.
7. Itching caused by bug bites can be soothed by rubbing the area with a wet soap bar.
8. Pack a bar of soap in your luggage for a simple air freshener.
9. If you run out of clay, try using soap as a sculpting medium.
10. Rubbing your nails with soap prior to gardening can stop dirt from getting trapped underneath.
11. Create your own fruit and veggie wash by mixing a quarter cup of bar soap with two cups cold water and a tablespoon of vinegar.
12. Rub a nail with soap before hammering to avoid splitting the wood.
13. Grease up windows and drawers that are jammed with soap to make them open and close with ease.
14. Cover your glasses with soapy water and wipe clean to prevent them from fogging up.
15. Rub a bar of wet soap over your gas pipes as a quick way to check for a gas leak. If it bubbles anywhere, you’ve got a problem.
16. Soften up tough leather shoes by rubbing the inside of the material with a softened bar of soap.
17. Soap up your rings that aren’t so easy to remove and run your hands under water to set them free.
18. Run a bar along zipper teeth to avoid a jam.
19. Bar soap can also serve as a pin cushion, while doubling as a needle lubricant.
20. Add flakes of soap to hot water and apply the mixture to wallpaper for easy removal.
21. Lather up your key to help loosen stiff locks.
(via Homesteading Survival)
I might need to start buying in bulk, because I foresee I’ll be going through a lot more hand soap.