Fathers get a pretty bad rap for their infamously bad “dad jokes.”
While their humor makes us cringe from embarrassment, their judgement when they’re just trying do their job…y’know, be dads, might actually be more amusing.
Take these photos as hilarious evidence that sometimes, fathers just don’t know how to dad.
1. He didn’t know that overalls aren’t meant to be worn topless.
2. These totally match…
3. No, tights aren’t pants, despite what this father and tween girls will try to tell you.
4. Isn’t the point of onesies that you don’t need other clothing on top?
5. The hair gel and no-shirt combo is too much. I can’t.
6. He was too busy filming to actually catch him.
7. I’m pretty sure that’s not how it goes.
8. “Wearing things backwards is all the rage”…is what this dad probably said.
9. Let’s hope he’s not in charge of talking about the birds and the bees.
10. Ready for swim class? Check.