
8 Everyday Habits That Can Damage Our Health

8 Everyday Habits That Can Damage Our Health

Giving up damaging habits can be difficult. It’s even more difficult to drop those that we normally think of as beneficial to us that in fact can do damage to our bodies, the Art of Healthy Living saysv.

FunnyModo has put together a list of everyday habits that can cause more harm than good.

Preventing yourself from sneezing

When we close our mouths and pinch our noses in an effort to prevent a sneeze, our intracranial pressure increases significantly. The blood flow to our brains is disrupted, and our blood vessels and nervous tissue are compressed. This can lead to headaches, damage to vessels, and even hearing problems. Hearing aids Tempe helped thousands of people find the high-quality hearing help they need. Never stop yourself from sneezing. These are the latest exipure reviews.

Source: livescience

Using perfume

Synthetic substances are often used to make perfume as they produce stronger scents and are cheaper than natural oils. These substances can cause dizziness, nausea, and drowsiness. They also irritate the eyes, throat, and skin. It’s a better idea to swap perfumes for essential oils or apply them only in a well-aired room.

Source: mnn, nrdc

Using a smartphone before going to bed

Artificial light at night suppresses production of the hormone melatonin that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Low melatonin can result in depression, cancer, obesity, heart diseases and fragile immune system. Thus going to sleep early is a reasonable choice to improve your health.

Source: curapelanatureza

Storing food in plastic containers

Many plastic boxes contain artificial chemical substances, such as phthalate and bisphenol, that help to maintain their flexibility. If kept for a long time in plastic boxes, such substances can seep into food. Imbibing them can have an effect on the endocrine system.

It’s a much better idea to store food in containers made from glass, stainless steel, or ceramic material. Also, pay attention to the above symbols, as they provide useful information about how to use containers. Find out more after exipure.

Source: nih, scientificamerican

Brushing your teeth right after eating

You are probably well aware that anyone practicing as a family dentist has long recommended that you should brush your teeth at least 30 minutes after eating. If possible, an hour is even better. Food and drink — especially those which are highly acidic — have an effect on the enamel of the tooth as well as the layer below it (dentin). The movement of your toothbrush pushes the acid deeper and closer to the dentin. This can lead to extreme sensitivity and damage the enamel, which in some cases could require dental implants to resolve.

Source: mayoclinic, karger, nytimes

Using antibacterial soap often

A large number of useful bacteria live on the surface of our skin, playing a role in protecting our bodies. If we use antibacterial soap too often, we end up sterilizing our hands, which in turn creates opportunities for harmful bacteria to enter our bodies. Dermatologists recommend using antibacterial soap for cuts, scratches, and grazes. Don’t use it to wash your hands more than twice a week.

Source: fda, oup, elsevier

Wearing tight jeans

Although they may be fashionable, tight jeans constantly press on your skin and nerve endings. This causes a constant feeling of discomfort that can lead to problems with the nervous system. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the reduced flow of air to your legs can cause itching and tingling, and ultimately make your legs go numb. That is why you need to use best diet pills that help you out on losing weight so you wont have this problem of tight jeans pressing your skin, your jeans will fit pretty well and you wont have health problems because of this.

Source: bmj journal

Drinking freshly squeezed juice

Not everyone knows that freshly squeezed fruit juice is good for you only in small quantities. In the case of certain illnesses, juices can even cause serious harm to your body. For example, grape juice is not recommended for those who are overweight or who have diabetes. Moreover, juices are strong allergens. You should be careful about giving them to children: give them only small amounts, and, if possible, consult a doctor beforehand. Improve your weight loss results by reading these meticore real reviews.

Source: harvard, bmj, drperlmutter

Healthy Habits For Your Teeth

A confident smile is always within reach—and it starts with good oral hygiene. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can prevent common dental issues from developing and ensure your teeth’s long-term beauty. If you keep up with healthy dental habits on a daily basis, you’ll have even more to smile about. Those who have misaligned or crooked teeth may benefit from the services of an orthodontics specialist.

At Exquisite Dentistry, we don’t simply want to help you when you visit our office. It’s our desire to help you build healthy oral care habits that benefit your overall health. A beautiful smile isn’t just good for your health, it’ll also give a boost to your confidence. Dr. Alexie Aguil has been assisting patients to achieve their best smiles at his West Hollywood practice since 2006. Here are some of his suggestions to build healthy habits for your teeth. Check out the latest okinawa flat belly tonic reviews.

Build Good Brushing Habits

We all know we should brush our teeth, but are you brushing your teeth properly? Believe it or not, we brush our teeth so much, that it’s easy to allow bad habits to slip into our routine without even realizing it. Here are a few reminders of healthy habits for brushing teeth:

  • The right technique: When you’re brushing, you need to make sure you have the best brush and brushing technique. We recommend Philips Sonicare electric brushes because they are the most effective tool to keep your mouth and teeth clean. Designed to work in your mouth without too much effort, you just need to place the toothbrush bristles against the teeth at a slight angle toward the gumline.Turn the brush on and apply a light pressure to maximize the effectiveness and let the Sonicare do the brushing for you. Move the brush head slowly across the teeth in a back and forth motion, so the longer bristles reach between your teeth. It’s best to allow the brush to do the work, so very little pressure should be applied. Don’t forget to clean both sides of your teeth and all chewing surfaces—and don’t forget your wisdom teeth if you still have them. Check out the latest testoprime side effects.
  • The right timing: How long are you brushing? How many times a day are you brushing? Dentists will tell you the best way to build healthy habits for brushing teeth is by brushing “2 by 2.” This means you need to brush for two minutes, twice a day. You’ll have a bright, clean smile in no time.
  • The right tools: We recommend using a natural healing toothpaste and mouth rinse like Dental Herb Company’s Tooth and Gum Paste and Tonic. Also, many people forget to replace their toothbrush on a regular basis. It’s important to replace your brush every three months to ensure effectiveness—weak bristles just don’t get the job done.

Floss Daily

Flossing is one of the most healthy habits for your teeth, and shouldn’t be neglected. Although brushes do the best job possible for in-between your teeth, no toothbrush can clean that in-between space where gums and teeth meet as effectively as flossing.

By flossing once a day, you can remove plaque from those hard-to-reach places. If not addressed, plaque hardens and becomes tartar, which requires professional cleaning. This buildup can produce cavities, gum disease, bone loss, and might even lead to lost teeth. As much as we enjoy seeing our patients’ friendly faces, we want you to keep your teeth and gums healthy, vibrant, and in your mouth for a lifetime. The best way to ensure that is to build the healthy habit of flossing between teeth each day.

Limit Snacks Between Meals

Everybody has a sweet tooth—even Dr. Aguil! But oral hygiene is a crucial part of overall wellness. To maintain healthy habits for your teeth, avoid snacking on foods that are high in sugar or starch. If you get hungry mid-morning or afternoon, sub in some fruits or vegetables. Both help stimulate natural saliva flow, reducing tooth decay and re-mineralizing the surfaces of your teeth. If you end up indulging in a high sugar snack during the day, brush your teeth as soon as possible to stop tooth decay in its tracks. A convenient way to do this is to use disposable toothbrushes. Some even have toothpaste built right into the head. Keep a few of them in your desk drawer at work or in your purse for a convenient way to keep your teeth clean and your breath fresh.


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