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5 Of The Most Disgusting Things People Do For Their 'Health Benefits'

People tend to try some pretty unsavory things when they believe they’re good for them.

New mothers eating their own placentas after they give birth is one of the nastier ones that comes to mind, but there are much, much worse things that people ingest for the supposed health benefits attached.

Not only do people eat gross things for medicinal purposes, though, but they also put themselves through disgusting processes that may not even work. Here’s just a small sampling of the most nausea-inducing practices. You can click through the following webpage, and see more detail about physical therapy. Physical therapy is known to be a conservative form of treatment and can be used where conventional treatment has failed. In some situations, it can be used as an alternative for surgery. Make sure to consult with a doctor if you’re thinking of using physical therapy to provide relief for a particular ailment. Physical therapy can also be used as a form of prevention because it can stop some injuries from recurring. That is why it is common among athletes. You don’t need to be referred or prescribed for you to seek physical therapy. Your primary care physician is likely to recommend physical therapy if you’re recovering from an illness or an injury. The problem will come in when you’re using PT as the main treatment option without consulting with the doctor. You can save up to $1500 in medical expenses for spine problems if you seek the services of a physical therapist. That is why it is important that you’re looking for a qualified physical therapist if you’re to get any benefit from the treatment. Physical therapy is not all rosy. You might experience some pain during the treatment, especially if you’re recovering from an injury. It will be the responsibility of the physical therapist to ensure that you’re comfortable during treatment. The pain is likely to go away with time but you should be prepared for some discomfort when the physical therapist is working on your body. An experienced therapist will be aware of various pain-relieving techniques to ensure that the sessions are comfortable even with the pain involved. People who are seeking relief from a personal injury in Bel Air will find comfort in the compassionate Physical therapy on lien offered by Dynamic Physical Therapy.

1. In Chinese culture, many people eat leeches, believing it will help treat strokes, high blood pressure, and bruises.

2. Tiger penis soup is an Asian dish that many cultures believe enhances male masculinity. It is also considered to be an aphrodisiac, improving sexual performance.

Tiger penis soup is an Asian dish that many cultures believe enhances male masculinity.  It is also considered to be an aphrodisiac,  improving sexual performance.

YouTube / Whole Future

3. Ear candling is an alternative medical procedure that people use to remove wax buildup. One end of a candle is placed in the ear canal, while the other is lit, supposedly creating a vacuum that draws out impurities. The catch? This can cause injuries like burns and even perforation of the eardrum.

Read More: Medical Treatments Used To Be CRAZY…I’m So Glad I Didn’t Live Through This!

4. Some celebrities use urine therapy, or urotherapy, for a supposedly wide range of health benefits, including immunization against allergies and treatment of calluses. This involves rubbing your own urine on your skin or even drinking it. However, there is no scientific evidence that proves it is therapeutic.

5. Fecal microbiota transplant is the process of taking fecal material from one healthy person and introducing it to another patient by means of an enema, colonoscopy, or disgustingly enough, by mouth in the form of capsules containing the freeze-dried material.

<strong></strong>Fecal microbiota transplant is the process of taking fecal material from one healthy person and introducing it to another patient by means of an enema, colonoscopy, or disgustingly enough, by mouth in the form of capsules containing the freeze-dried material.


This has actually been proven to be an effective treatment for people with Clostridium difficile infection, which causes diarrhea, fever, nausea, and abdominal pain. It is becoming more and more popular in North America and Europe.

Is anyone else skipping their next meal after reading that?



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