I think the paper trick was really mean. It's funny …

Comment on Funny Cats compilation. Cat fails, Halloween. November 2015 by Xeal Music.

I think the paper trick was really mean. It's funny when a cat does something naturally. Not be provoked and teased. its cruel. The classiest was adding the cucumber video. That's it. let's make our animals lives stressful and scare the hell out of them. You must feel good promoting that

Xeal Music Also Commented

Funny Cats compilation. Cat fails, Halloween. November 2015
"I GOT IT I GOT IT"  1:191:24, "WAIT I DONT GOT IT!"

Funny Cats compilation. Cat fails, Halloween. November 2015
make more plz :-)

Funny Cats compilation. Cat fails, Halloween. November 2015
2:13 It was very sweet how reassuring she was with her cat. She's obviously a very good owner, with very good skills in handling scary situations for cats.

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