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You’ve probably heard it or read that cancer cells cannot live in alkaline water because this alkaline water is extremely powerful!Well many health workers or doctors will also suggest you some best water softeners for better quality water.


The pH (potential hydrogen) scale runs from zero to fourteen, and 7 is the neutral middle. A substance with a pH of less than 7 is an acid. A basic or alkaline substance has a pH of greater than 7. Your tap water is generally a mixture of chlorine, antibiotics, hormones and other metals that will go straight into your system after you drink it. There has been water supplied to house that has had a very bad pH value, and in such cases, only the best fluoride water filter can help from causing detrimental affects.

Heart diseases and other heart related problems are on a steady uphill climb on hospital statistics. In the US alone, it is the most common cause of heart attack and even death. To counter these effects, conscious efforts are made to significantly reduce sugar intake among people. This however is made difficult by the fact that salt is the most common food ingredient used and doing away with it will greatly affect the taste of the food we eat. Salt contents are usually very high on junk foods, processed foods, and those sold at the fast foods and restaurants. Only about a quarter of our salt consumption we get at home. So if you are looking to cut down on your salt consumption and start living a healthy life, start at home. The food you eat, and the water you drink. Water softening systems are always a welcome addition to the household; they eliminate the effects of this hard water by removing calcium and magnesium and replacing them with sodium and potassium. But then again, salt is the common name of sodium chloride, the very result of using water softeners. If you are currently using water softeners and is looking to maximize the benefits that you can get out of it, you might want to try using salt free water softeners. Replacing your current softener with a salt free one, will only take a few minutes; this is usually done by replacing sodium as the main ingredient with potassium that equally as effective with lesser known side effects.

The best salt free water softeners can completely eliminate salt content from the water you drink. This will give a major boost to your conscious effort to lessen salt in your diet. By drinking salt free water, you will be one step farther from the risk of developing hypertension and other heart diseases.

This kind of impure water can cause a weakened immune system and an array of other illnesses that occur when the immune system is vulnerable. When our bodies become too acidic, we feel low energy, fatigue, digestive issues, weight gain and other side effects that are completely avoidable just by drinking pure water and eating fresh organic vegetables with a healthy acid/alkaline balance

For more on this go to Learning the facts can help you properly arrange your arguments when you receive resistance from your family.


Food can determine our overall pH levels and that has been known for centuries. Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, who was a Nobel Prize winner in 1931, discovered that that up to 95% of all cancers have the acidic environment as the cause behind them. He also managed to prove that cancers cannot thrive in an alkaline environment where the pH level is 7.36 or more.

According to him, acidosis (excess of acidity) is not only connected to development of cancer, but it could also cause other diseases like osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease and almost all other chronic diseases which we suffer from nowadays.

  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 a cucumber
  • 1/4 of a ginger root
  • 1/2 a cup of mint leaves
  • Before you cut the ginger, peel a small amount of it.
  • Slice up all the ingredients and add some water.
  • Do not throw the ingredients after one use if you want to get the most out of them.
  • If you keep adding new water, they will last around three days.
  • Drink the water first thing in the morning in order to get the optimum results!

Lemon possesses numerous pH balancing properties. It has quite an acidic taste, but it is inherently alkaline and helps the body maintain its balance. It is also a powerful disinfectant and antibacterial compound which helps in the treatment of numerous conditions from bad breath to cholera, and has even 22 anti-cancer properties!



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