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Mouthwash Removes Plaque From Teeth In 1 Minute

The mouthwash to remove the tartar is the best way to complement the brushing of the teeth as suggested by Century Smile Dental, since it allows to reduce the presence of plaque, in addition to reaching and removing bacteria that escaped dental cleaning. Imagine having a brighter, straighter, and more aesthetically pleasing smile in only two or three dental visits. Dental cleaning, tooth extraction surgery, teeth whitening, invisalign and dental implants are some of the most popular procedures a family dentist can do for you.

Dr. Wagner has been Jacksonville’s premier cosmetic dentist since 1998, helping many people unleash their smiles’ full potential. With a smile that represents your true personality, you’ll be able to face the planet confidently and with zeal. If you have missing teeth, you may get dental implants to restore your full smile and regain your confidence. Consult your dentist to determine how dental implants can improve your overall dental health. He may also refer you to an implant dentist if he isn’t qualified to do the procedure. You can also visit for more information.

The mouthwash is one of the most important parts of the whole process of hygiene of the teeth, since it is he who finishes to eliminate all the bacteria and germs that were removed by the brushing, besides being the final touch that will give us a Breath fresh and pleasant. Check out to study other benefits of the oral hygiene.

Oral care is vital to our health. Health and diet have even been known to cure cavities. Oaktown Dental Cleaning, one of the best dental healthcare in town would vouch for the use of mouthwash. Cleansing the mouth with a mouthwash to remove tartar is one of the most important parts for good oral hygiene. And we add advantages if we do it ourselves. This website will offer more tips on proper dental care.

Advantages of doing the mouthwash yourself to remove tartar

You control the ingredients: making your own mouthwash to remove the tartar allows you to control the quality of what you put in your mouth.

It’s inexpensive: you can make your own rinse at a fraction of the cost of groceries or pharmacies and you’re still experimenting with excellent results.

Without Hidden Chemicals: Commercial mouthwash is often a mixture of additives such as preservatives, colorants, artificial sweeteners, flavorings and a multitude of chemicals harmful to our health.

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How to do a Homemade Mouthwash?

The mouthwash to remove the tartar that we will learn to make today, is based on baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate is known as one of the best cleansers available, and can be used in hundreds of applications, including oral hygiene. In addition, it is often used directly in the brushing of teeth, due to its recognized bleaching and stain removal abilities, as well as bactericide that eliminates tartar and microbes that cause cavities and bad breath.


-1 tablespoon baking soda
-½ cup hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide)
-½ teaspoon of salt
-½ cup warm water
-1 cup cold water


-Pot the cup
-Toothpick (toothpicks).


-Mix the baking soda with the salt. Then wet the toothbrush in warm water and spread with the mixture above. Rub very well the teeth and expel from the mouth.

-Repeat the previous operation for about 2 minutes.

-Then mix the hydrogen peroxide with the warm water and rinse your mouth for one minute, then expel it from the mouth.

-Remove the tartar from between the teeth with a toothpick and rinse with cold water.

-You can repeat this procedure up to twice a week and the brushing should be the one you normally do.

Warning: never swallow mouthwash to remove tartar (neither natural nor commercial) as some ingredients can be harmful if swallowed.

Remember that to maintain a correct oral hygiene, you should brush your mouth at least three times a day with a quality paste. In addition, a fact to keep in mind, the spicy food stimulates the salivary glands. Saliva helps to sanitize the mouth in a natural way.


Source: Smiles of Austin Dental Practice.


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