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Fishing Is More Of An Extreme Sport Than You Ever Thought It Was…

Fishing is considered by most to be a relaxing activity. When you’re out on the water, you’re communing with nature in a way that’s almost meditative. But not all fishing is like this. Trout fishing with the best baitcasting reel might be slow and boring, hunting for bigger fish like marlin…well, that’s basically an extreme sport. At the very least it can lead to some extreme sports-like injuries.

Whenever a spinning reel is purchased, on the packaging it says what weight it is: ultra light, light, medium, or heavy. You want the weight of the reel to match the weight of the rod learn more about it and what is best on, and you want the weight to match the type and size of fish that your fishing for. For example, if you’re fishing for trout in small rivers and streams, you want to use an ultra light spinning reel and rod. Light action would be the heaviest in trout fishing situations such as these. This is also a great reason to not buy combination sets with the rod and spinning reel sold together. In most cases these combination sets arte made with very cheap rods and spinning reels. It’s better to purchase the two separately, so that you can get the feel and balance that you desire. Click here if you want to know more about the top baitcasters fishing reel.

For those of us who prefer spin fishing over other types of fishing, our spinning reels are of great importance to us. It’s always a good idea to not only make sure that your spinning reel is working properly, but also to make sure that you’re employing the proper size spinning reel for the type of fish that you’re fishing for. All too many times I’ve seen anglers using fishing equipment (including spinning reels) that are much too large for the fish they’re attempting to catch. This can cost the average angler bites and fish, which is not a good thing.

Spinning reels are a helpful tool that every avid fisher should have in their arsenal. These are so popular among fishers of all skill levels because they are very lightweight, intuitive, and easy to use. However, not all spinning reels are created equal. Since this type of reel is such a crucial part of the fishing process, it’s important to find the best spinning reel on the market.

Just check out the video below if you don’t believe me.

WARNING: This video is seriously NSFW.

WARNING: This video is seriously NSFW.


I assume that since they uploaded the video that the injured guy made it to the hospital in time to save his leg. Still, though, that is a nasty injury. Which is why I’ll stick to playing video games as my main hobby and not fishing…


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