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How to Make and Use Castor Oil Pack for a Liver Detox and Breaking down Kidney Stones

These packs help the detox of the liver in natural way, dissolve kidney stones, support ovary and uterus health, improve lymph flow, blood flow and remove inflammation.

Detox with this pack is messy but does not have side effects. Many have said the sleep is better, they had energy, less joint and body pains after a few uses.

In any detox method, you must eat healthy, drink water and get fresh juices all the time.

You need:
  • Good castor oil brand
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Washable spa body warp
  • Heating pad
  • Wool flannel pad, cotton pad, cloth…

How to make and use castor oil pack for a liver detox and breaking down kidney stones

This oil is amazing as remedy and will amaze you.

Most of us use castor for many issues. Even our grandparents used it more than we do now. It is time to start using this amazing oil again.

Castor oil is triglyceride of fatty acids, 90% are ricinoleic acid. This one is the lead healing agent for prevention of growth of bad microbes like viruses, bacteria, yeasts, mold.

1. Better immunity

This oil boosts immunity and supports the lymph health and drainage. Also use abdominal castor packs for more producing lymphocytes, white blood cells that make antibodies to fight pathogens. The lymph system also affects the blood flow and digestion, helps in detox, supports the heart and digestion and cures constipation and diarrhea.

2. Better blood flow

Bad blood flow is the first sign of chronic issues. By improving the blood flow, the blood system can pump blood from and to the heart, carry oxygen better and give nutrients. This is vital for keeping the health and nourishing every cell, as waste leaves the body.

3. Balanced hormones

With improved blood flow and less toxins in the blood, you can balance hormones and with these, you get overall health. less PMS signs, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and better health in reproduction. Also will improve the thyroid, pancreas, thymus, adrenals…

4. Better digestion

The pharma companies tell you castor oil is not safe or effective but our grandparents knew nature well. This oil also is a mild laxative and take it orally for this use. It will regulate bowels. The active item is ricinoleic acid for better digestion, absorbing nutrients and cleaning digestive tract. A healthy gut means less diarrhea, constipation, cramps, bloating, leaky gut and IBS.

5. Soothing arthritis joints

Congested lymph is due to toxic waste deposits making pain in joints. This oil eases up lymph flow and eases up the congestion thus relieving the arthritis. Massage the oil in the joints and move up the lymph. Increase blood flow and remove pain.

6. Treat fungi

Thanks to the ricinoleic acid, this oil can cure fungi infections like acne, ringworm, athlete’s foot, shingles, jock itch, and others. To treat them, get castor orally and topically too. Heat up 2 tbps castor oil, a bit warm. Apply it where you need it. Repeat this regularly and be amazed.

Purchase good castor oil and see the oral dosage well

As with any oil taken orally, get only the best for effectiveness. The pure castor is oil pressed and in dark bottles. Never get cheap castor oil. It has chemicals and leaves a bad result in the end, since it has toxins. Read the directions for the ingestion dose. Never take more than the label says or more than a week, unless a doctor tells you to.

For oral use, start with low dose and work it up. An adult dose is 1 tbsp and for kids ages 2-12 is 1 tsp. mix it with milk, juices or dilute it with something other for the taste. In kids less than 2, avoid this.

1. For inflamed skin

This is great for inflamed skin by sunburns, acne, dryness or bites. Dip some cotton in the oil, apply on the area and let it sit for 60 min. do this 2-3 times daily.

2. Skin moisture and itchiness removal

The fat acids here nourish the skin and remove itchiness. It is viscous so it penetrates easy in the skin. This goes a long way, rub 1 tsp between the hands and apply on the whole skin.

3. Healthy lips

This oil is a wonder for the lips. It is in many lip balms in shops. Rub a bit on the lips to prevent cracks and chapping. It is much better than Vaseline or petroleum jelly.

4. No muscle and back pains

Massage the oil on muscles after workouts to make better blood flow and relieve the soreness. Mix this with mint or chamomile oil for healing and soothing. Someone must massage this on the back. Cover the area with soft and clean cloth and put hot water pack on top. This will remove inflammation. Keep it until the water packs gets cold. Do this every day. This makes better blood flow and removes pain.

5. Treating hemorrhoids

This oil is great for the outside of body too. Soak cotton in the oil and apply on the area. Let the cotton sit for 15 min. wear a pad just in case. Apply several times daily.

6. For good night sleep

A great remedy for falling asleep. Not known why or how, but it works. Dab a bit of the oil on the eyelids and fall asleep easier. It will give better and longer sleep before you wake up fresh in the morning.

7. No colic in infants

This happens during the first few months of the baby’s life and also during excessive crying. The cause is unknown but gas may be the main cause. To use this oil for colic, rub it between the palms, warm it up this way and put the warm palm on the kid’s belly. Do this until the baby passes the gas and see it get relieved.

Castor oil for health, hair and beauty

1. Thick and new grown hair

Warm up the oil and massage it in the hair and scalp for better blood flow and healthy follicles, thus hair will grow faster. Also this will give fat acids to the hair and proteins too. For better results, leave this overnight and put shower cap on. The next day, wash it. You might need a few shampoo rounds, but it is worth it. Do this regularly and be amazed by the new hair that grows.

2. Treating dandruff and scalp issues

It is antimicrobial and massaging this oil will clear dandruff of the scalp even with one use. For healthy and shiny hair mix 1 tsp castor, 1 tsp olive and lemon juice. Apply this on the roots and after 30 min, shampoo and rinse.

3. Longer eyebrows and eyelashes

To have longer lashes and thick eyebrows, use cotton, dip it in castor and go over the hairs. Do this every night for stimulating growth. After 2 weeks, results are seen.

4. No scars and stretch marks

Put castor oil on the marks, 3 times daily every day. The fat acids will go deep in the scar skin and make new healthy cells nearby. Apply it also on the belly during pregnancy to stop stretch marks.

5. Removal of skin tags, warts, corns

Get cotton wool, dip it in castor and press the excess. Put the cotton over the blemish and put bandage on. Also use duct tape, it is fine too. This oil will soften tags, warts, corns and in just a few days. Remove and change daily.

Castor Oil Liver Pack

The benefits of using castor oil pack

Moisten the flannel with the oil. Add 2 drops of the lemon oil and mix. Put the moist cloth on the right side of the abdomen, below the rib cage. For kidney detox, put these back where the kidneys are.

Secure with body wrap on the belly. Heat up the pad and put it over the flannel. Lie down, keep the pack in place for 60 min.



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